
My current research interest is in vision-based autonomy and control for aerospace systems.


Imitation Learning with Human Eye Gaze via Multi-Objective Prediction
Thakur RK, Sunbeam MD, Goecks VG, Novoseller E, Bera R, Lawhern V, Gremillion G, Valasek J, Waytowich NR
ILHF Workshop International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023
Media: [video]

A Conditional Adversarial Network for Scene Flow Estimation
Thakur, R. K., & Mukherjee, S.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2019 [doi]

SceneEDNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Scene Flow Estimation
Thakur, R. K., & Mukherjee, S.
IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV) 2018 [doi]

Development of an integrated haptic system for simulating upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Chakravarthy, S., Balakuntala, M. V., Rao, A. M., Thakur, R. K., & Ananthasuresh, G. K.
Mechatronics (Volume 56) 2018 [doi]
Media: [video]